"What? The Conception of the Virgin Mary? The Immaculate Conception?" and then they saw him remain for more than half an hour deprived of the use of his senses and immovable with outspread arms and eyes lifted to heaven, enraptured in contemplation of the sublime mystery.' On another occasion Joseph terrified several painters, who remarked in his presence they meant to paint a picture of the Immaculate Conception in his little chapel. The Pope marvelled much and said to the Father General if father Joseph were to die during his pontificate, he himself would bear witness to this occurrence.

While kissing the feet of the Pontiff the saint, filled with reverence for Jesus Christ in the person of His Vicegerent, was enraptured and raised aloft till the Father General's command brought him back to his senses. 'During his first stay in Rome he went with the Father General to pay homage to the Pope, Urban VIII. Our arms, as yet, are not long enough to reach to the cedars of Lebanon let us content ourselves with the hyssop of the valley.' But, above all, I love these three little virtues sweetness of heart, poverty of spirit, and simplicity of life and these great exercises of charity visiting the sick, helping the poor, consoling the afflicted but all without flurry, and with true liberty. 'Come, let us trudge on through these lowly valleys of humble little virtues, and we shall find the rose amongst thorns, charity which shines forth in the midst of afflictions from within and without, the lily of purity, the violet of mortification, and many more than I can tell. Francis de Sales - Mystical Flora or the Christian Life under the Emblem of Plants '"Ah, beautiful Infant! tell me whose child art Thou?" He replies: "My Mother is this pure and lovely Virgin who is standing by me." And who is thy Father? "My Father" he says, "is God." How is this? Thou art the Son of God, and art so poor and why? Who will acknowledge Thee in such a condition? Who will respect Thee? "No," replies Jesus, "holy faith will make known who I am, and will make me loved by those souls whom I came to redeem and to inflame with my love."'

Alphonsus Maria de Liguori - The Incarnation, Birth, and Infancy of Jesus Christ Remember the joy and the goodness of almsgiving. Please consider becoming one of the charitible few.
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#There are no saints read online full
Tim Roth plays the Jesuit’s dodgy British lawyer and he phones his performance in with a cockney-geezer accent.(First time users please click here to read the full instructions.) So the Jesuit follows this guy south on a terrifying quest for his boy, with revenge on his mind and murder in his heart, taking with him a stripper called Inez (Shannyn Sossamon) whom he met in the film’s “ sexposition” scene in a lapdance club, and whom he apparently needs to pose as his wife. Mexican actor José María Yazpik (from Almodóvar’s I’m So Excited) plays a notorious gang enforcer nicknamed the Jesuit (after the Spanish Inquisition’s torture habits) he is newly released from prison in Texas and brooding on going straight when his ex-wife Nadia (Paz Vega) is murdered by her vicious new husband Vincent (Neal McDonough), who also abducts the Jesuit’s son and takes him to Mexico. It’s a grungy, grubby and frankly dreary exploitationer in the straight-to-video mould, with a perfunctory and shallow religious motif and nasty misogynist scenes, which has actually been on the shelf since 2014, after Schrader was replaced as director by Alfonso Pineda Ulloa and Succession’s Brian Cox with Ron Perlman. A new film with a Paul Schrader script has to be news … but this isn’t exactly new.